Kids bring 3x the weight – 435 kg!

Kids bring 3 times the weight!

Kids bring 3 times more weight then last week!

The number of kids bringing recycling has doubled from last week. Whats more interesting is that the total weight has tripled!!! So last week they brought 142 kg this week they brought 435 kg!!! Great job!

The Recycle Swop Shop was donated a whole bunch of crayons and coloured pens from Cape Town International Airport, which the kids loved! Thank you!

Totals so far for month of October:

Total recyclables collected : 9.3 tonnes
Total plastic collected : 3 tonnes

Every year some 45,000 tons of plastic waste are dumped into the world’s oceans. Killing 1 million seabirds and 100k marine mammals. Ref Terracycle

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