Princess works hard for her tokens!
We have some lovely people that come to the Recycle Swop Shop, one of them is Princess. She comes regularly and brings about 25 – 30 bags of plastic and cardboard that she precariously stacks and ties onto a trolley. This week we asked her some questions…Where does she collect her recycling? How many days does it take to collect? What does she like about Swop Shop? Here are her answers…
I collect my recycling from the streets in Du Noon. It upsets me that the people just throw their empty bottles on the streets, but I can turn their rubbish into something good for me. At Swop Shop I always know that I can come home with some food to put in the pot. I like that! I collect from the taxi rank and from the shops. It takes me from Thursday to Tuesday to collect all my bags. Its hard work, but worth it. I like to buy clothes here because clothes in the shops are very expensive, but here I can find nice clothes that I swap with my tokens. Its great!
Thank you Princess for sharing your story! Well done! This project is really working for unemployed people like Princess that make it their job to collect recycling and swap it at Swop Shop every Tuesday.
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Gill Bush
February 8, 2012
What an inspirational story. Truly man’s trash is another’s treasure. Well done, Princess.
February 8, 2012
People like these they make swop shop fun
March 13, 2012
Thank you so much. I love how you have so many fundraising opntois on this site. It makes it much easier to just have one place to go to get a myriad of ideas. I am a parent of a kid in the band boosters. We are always doing fundraisers. I get sich of same old same old. I think you have some unique ideas on here. Gonna tell the parents in the club. Thanks again!
February 9, 2012
What a great story and neat person!