Wesbank No. 1 Primary School Swop Shop
Wednesday 13th March 2013 was the second of our weekly Recycle Swop Shop days at Wesbank No. 1 Primary School. At 1.45pm the school bell rang and children darted home to collect their recycling. A queue quickly formed, with mostly grade 6 & 7 students, carrying their recyclable items. Louise worked swiftly to attend to the children, while Anthea and Natalie sorted the recycling. By 3.45pm the area was clean and the Recycle Swop Shop closed for another week. Well done to everyone!!
The children were each rewarded with a token for their efforts, a sandwich and we also took the opportunity to educate them on some recycling ‘can and can’t’. It’s wonderful to see the children’s faces, as they walk away with their tokens, smiling from ear to ear and clearly proud of their efforts!
Anthea and Natalie, from Recycle 1st work with the school monitors to make sure that all the recycling has been correctly sorted and packed into huge sugar bags, ready for the truck that picks up at 4pm.
To make this amazing project happen, we have partnered with a number of organisations including Transforming Minds and Futures, Save All and Recycle 1st, and of course, the school with their incredible Head Master and Teachers.
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