Recycle Swop Shop Wesbank – August 2013

Westbank No. 1 Primary school

Westbank No. 1 Primary school Recycle Collection day

I think you will all agree that August was a really wet and cold month in Cape Town. With the down pours came the floods and the cold weather bought snow on our surrounding mountains.

At Recycle Swop Shop our team of committed troopers continued to work and collect the recycling at Wesbank No. 1 Primary School. Well done to them all pupils and community members for coming out and being part of this hand-up not hand-out project.

Thank you to Veronica Martelo Beistegui, our Spanish Intern/Volunteer, who took these lovely photos during her numerous visits. I hope these will give you a good sense of the day and the people that participated.

The total recyclable collected in August:

Description Sum of Quantity (Kgs)
White Paper 67
Cardboard 192
Newspaper and Mags 258
Tetrapak + common Mix 35
PET 468
HD (2) 30
Polyprop 33
Soft Plastic 74
Tops 22
Tins 141
Grand Total 1320

Provided by Recycle 1st

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