Success at Inkwenkwezi in Du noon!!

Proud lady!

This lady brought 26 bags of plastic and was given 78 tokens! Well done!

The Recycle Swop Shop at Inkwenkwezi Secondary School in Du Noon has been runner for 6 weeks and we have been so impressed by how quickly the community of Du Noon have returned.

We opened up in our new location at Inkwenkwezi Secondary School after being closed for 8 months. Mr Kutu, the Head Master and the teachers have so supportive towards our project and the learners are slowly attending and with the help of our Waste Awareness Assemblies, we are hoping to increase their participation. We questioned a few of the learners and they tell us their mother’s are attend and bring the recycling.

A huge thank you to one of our main sponsors Africa Floor Care! They also provide us with washing up liquid, bleach, handy cleaners and disinfectant that our ladies at Swop Shop love!

Here are the stats for 10th September to 22nd October 2013:
Total Recyclables collected in Weight: 3770kg
Total number of days : 6
Total number of participants : 443
Total number of token handed out : 7966
That’s an average of 1 person = 9kg = 18 tokens

Its been lovely seeing our regular ladies again and catching up on the past 8 months. Babies have been born, some ladies are expecting and toddlers have started creche.

Soninke Combrinck, an Intern from The Green Times visited us yesterday. Thank you for visiting Soninke, and we look forward to reading your article and seeing all your photos.

Swop Shop

Ladies swapping at the Recycle Swop Shop Du Noon

If you would like to make any donations to the Recycle Swop Shop, please read our Donations Policy Document.

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