Volunteers day out to Table Mountain 2014
It was a beautiful March day in Cape Town as the volunteers from the Du Noon Recycle Swop Shop and Wesbank met at the foot of Table Mountain for our trip up Table Mountain. Every year we have had the privilege of working, training and getting to know our group of volunteers and this is our way to say, “Thank you”, for all their hard work. This group of dedicated people, give their time and energy to the Recycle Swop Shop each week and we honestly could not run it without their help.
A big thank you to Table Mountain Cable Car Company for sponsoring our 20 tickets. Also a huge thank you to T.M.F. and Crime Watch for sponsoring our delicious lunch and refreshments. Thank you to Save All who made sure our Wesbank volunteer arrived safely.
Its always so interesting to see the different reactions from many of out volunteers that have never been up the Mountain, especially when the revolving cable car starts to ascend!! We send out words of reassurance and soon they relax and enjoy the panoramic view of our beautiful city. Once at the top there was much excitement, which naturally caused a great need for some food. We eagerly ate our lunch of roast chicken, salad, rolls and apples, washed down with juice and finally a delicious chocolate brownie baked and donated to us by Shelly Anderson. Yum!
Maria thanked everyone for their participation, hard work and their team spirit. She reminding them that at Recycle Swop Shop they are gaining environmental education and skills training that will help them realise recycling as a possible entrepreneurial opportunity. Louise and Maria also told everyone how much they meant to us and what a privilege it has been getting to know them all. They handed out goodie bags filled with toiletries and extra yummy snacks, thank you to The City of Cape Town for the bright orange bags.
Later we spent an hour wondering around and enjoying the beauty and rich biodiversity that can be seen all over Table Mountain. We all agreed that working towards keeping Cape Town a cleaner city was very fulfilling and spending the day on the Mountain made us appreciate that even more. What a fabulous day!
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