First Recycle Swop Shop at Yomelela a huge success!
On the 30th July we ran our first collection at Yomelela Primary School and what a turn out we had! 860 learners brought bags of recycling! We collected 732kg of plastic, that’s 32 huge bulk bag!! It is by far the best response we have had from any of our 1st collection at Recycle Swop Shop!
We are amazed by this school, the learners, teachers and Principle! The teachers helped to keep order and the children listened well, we noticed how respectful and tentative they were towards their teachers too. Thank you to Theresa and her team of 9 community volunteers, they did a great job sorting all the recycling. Thank you to the joyful Brazilian Interns from Ikhaya le Themba, who helped too.
We ran our 1st Swop Shop on the 7th August and it was a huge success. The children were happy with the items they exchanged for their hard earned tokens. Thank you to all those that helped, the teachers rocked, Louise was amazing at the door and Corrinne kept her cool on the, extremely busy, 1 token table. Bobby Teichert and her team of joyful Brazilian Interns were back to help at the tables, with a few new dance moves!! ikhaya le themba made sure we had plenty of 2nd hand clothes, shoes, toys and home house goods, thank you! Big thank you to our sponsors WNS and to Africa Floorcare.
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MS. Bongi
October 22, 2014
woow it was amazing first swop shop at our schoool learners were very exctited, even now learners buy toys , food and clothes .
thanks to Beyond education especially Mariah and Thandeka and their teams