Volunteers certificates of achivements Dec 2015

Volunteers certificatates Du noon

Volunteers received their certificatates in Du Noon

Over the year we have had the amazing support of some special community members from all the areas where we run Recycle Swop Shops. They have faithfully volunteered each week for 25 tokens, doing a variety of roles. Our community volunteers continue to learn new skills and their assistance in the project is invaluable. It is for this reason that we have brought in a system where we acknowledge the work they have done by giving certificates of achievement. These certificates can be for length of service, skills gained, knowledge and management of the different waste streams and the ability to work in a team.

Wesbank volunteers certificates

Wesbank volunteers with their certificates of achievements

We had some really special celebration times in December last year when we presented the certificates at each of the volunteers at our 3 Recycle Swop Shops. We are trusting this has installed pride, confidence and will promote skills development. Thank you to our volunteers from Wesbank; Evelynne, Nathely, Elizabeth, Stephen, James, Vanessa, Sophia, Ronnie and Annie. Thank you to our volunteers from Du Noon; Margaret, Gcobisa, Nomsa, Carliswa, Sylvia, Mgqibelo, Lerato, Ordance, Constance, Thandi, Joyce and Lindiwe. Thank you to our volunteers from Khayelitsha; Nomaphelo, Cecilia, Nophlydile, Albertina, Boy-Boy, Nomasomi, Namazizi, Nokwanda, Franscheska and Nosayimile.

Columbus Chemicals - volunteers Khayelitsha

Thank you Columbus Chemicals for the chemiclas for our amazing volunteers in Khayelitsha

Thank you to Elkanah Recycling Commitee for sponsoring lunch, refreshments and goody bags for the volunteers from Du Noon. To Columbus Chemicals for sponsoring chemicals to the volunteers in Khayelitsha and Take Heart for the lunch, refreshments and goody bags to our volunteers in Wesbank. Well done to you all! You make us so proud and its such a pleasure to have worked with you through 2014.

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