Kids bring 3x the weight – 435 kg!

Kids bring 3 times the weight!

Kids bring 3 times more weight then last week!

The number of kids bringing recycling has doubled from last week. Whats more interesting is that the total weight has tripled!!! So last week they brought 142 kg this week they brought 435 kg!!! Great job!

The Recycle Swop Shop was donated a whole bunch of crayons and coloured pens from Cape Town International Airport, which the kids loved! Thank you!

Totals so far for month of October:

Total recyclables collected : 9.3 tonnes
Total plastic collected : 3 tonnes

Every year some 45,000 tons of plastic waste are dumped into the world’s oceans. Killing 1 million seabirds and 100k marine mammals. Ref Terracycle

Jessica’s Story


Jessica - Recycler & Volunteer at the Recycle Swop Shop

Jessica is a volunteer at the Recycle Swop Shop. She is 20 years old, has a 17 months old boy and has been living in Du Noon for 15 years. She started bringing recycling to the Swop Shop in June this year and on average brings about 22 bags a week, which she collects from neighbours and friends in her street.

At the moment she doesn’t have work and bringing recycling has provided her with the opportunity to buy clothes and food for her family. This week she bought rice, sunlight powder, mealie meal, sugar, toothpaste, tin of pilchards, peanut butter, soap & bread. She is looking for clothes for her niece (age 12) & nephew (age 6), but we don’t have any of those sizes at the moment. If you have 2nd hand children’s clothes that you would like to donate, please contact us on 072 0574869.

Jessica just naturally started to help us on Tuesdays and she soon became part of our team. She is hard working, takes the initiative and always has a smile on her face. We love her!

We reward our local volunteers with tokens to spend at the Swop Shop. We rely on volunteers to help us and are growing a local team of people, as well as volunteers from outside of the community, who come and freely give their time and efforts. Thank you to all 10 volunteers that made yesterday a great success!

Here’s our stats from the Recycle Swop Shop Du Noon…

Cardboard & Paper = 1573 kg
Plastic = 1073 kg
Glass = 570 kg
Tin = 86 kg

Grand Total = 3872 kg!
Total Bags = 1417

Swop Shop day for kids!

Kids swop shop day

Kids Recycle Swop Shop Day

Wednesday from 2.30pm – 4pm is Recycle Swop Shop day for children only. Separating the adults from the children has given us more time to spend with each child, they need quite a bit of assistance with choosing their items.

We offer them school items, clothes & shoes, toiletries, food, back packs and toys. The most popular items are still shoes, but they love the toys. We’re in desperate need of children’s clothes & shoes for 3 to 12 years old. Please contact us if you can assist in any way.

Here’s our stats from the Kid’s Day Recycle Swop Shop Du Noon…

Cardboard & Paper = 90 kg
Plastic = 46 kg
Glass = 6 kg

Grand Total = 142 kg!

25 kids brought 183 bags of Recycling.

Thank you Fruit & Veg City, Table View for supplying the rolls.

Didn’t expect this rate of growth!

The start of the day

It took an hour to get to this point yesterday, by then we had collected over 700 bags. The queue continued around the park car. The people at the end of the queue had to wait over 2 hours!

It was an overwhelming experience yesterday! It was very busy, windy and so exciting to see 4859 TONS of recycling! People of Du Noon – YOU ROCK!

Here’s our stats from the Recycle Swop Shop Du Noon…

Cardboard & Paper = 2057 kg
Plastic = 1807 kg
Glass = 931 kg
Tin = 59 kg
Other = 5 kg

Grand Total = 4859 kg!

We were a total of 10 volunteers. 140 people brought 2172 bags of recycling, we handed out a total value of 4501 tokens and 172 people swapped tokens in the Swop Shop.

We love what Blake Mycoskie, founder of TOMS’ One for One, says in his book titled, Start something that matters…

1000kg more than last week!

Warren Baynes blasts music from a Recycle Bin

Warren Baynes blasts music from a Recycle Bin

The Sun was shining, the music was blasting, the soup was flowing and the Recycle Swop Shop had its best day ever!

Here’s our stats from the Recycle Swop Shop Du Noon

Cardboard & Paper = 1524 kg
Plastic = 1408 kg
Glass = 935 kg
Tin = 309 kg
Other = 106 kg

Grand Total = 4282 kg!

Warren Baynes from ‘No Standing Recycling’ visited the Recycle Swop Shop. For over an hour he entertained our Recyclers with vibey hip music, that sent arms waving and hips swinging to the beat! The Recycle music bin is a cool beat box with its very own solar powered battery pack. Nice Warren! Thanks for the visit!

Marilyn from Hermanus Recycle Swop Shop pulled up her sleeves and spent a few hours working the queue with us. Thank you! Check out their website for 10 steps to start a Recycle Swop Shop.

Beautiful people, beautiful photos

Chinese proverb. One picture is worth ten thousand words.

They are all so good, I couldn’t choose one! Say no more, these amazing photos where taken by Sarah Wood of Sarah Wood Photography.

Thank you Sarah!

Today we collected 3388 kg of Recycling!

Today we started weighing!

Today we started weighing our Recycling!

Today we started weighing the recycling! Yes, it was a mammoth task!!!

We weighed 1070 bags of recycling.

Thank you Waste Want for the scales! We had a great team of volunteers to help today; Nathan, Ben, Marie (shop), Cara (sandwiches) and Duran (film and photography). Thank you to each of you.

Here’s our stats from the Recycle Swop Shop Du Noon

Cardboard & Paper = 1430 kg
Plastic = 854 kg
Glass = 970 kg
Tin = 88 kg
Total = 3388 kg!

One women brings 86 bags of Recycling!

One woman bring 86 bags of recycling

Whow! One amazing women brought 86 bags of Recycling to the Recycle Swop Shop.

We were hugely impressed by this lady today! Yes, she brought 86 bags of Recycling to the Recycle Swop Shop and she was thrilled with her bumper 206 tokens!

So the question is how did she get it all there??? 86 bags is a mountain! Well, 85 of those bags where PLASTIC BOTTLES weighing a total of 154 kg and 1 TIN weighing 4kgs. That’s a total weight of 158 kg! Amazing! We will be getting answers to lots of questions next week along with, where does she collect it all from? You go girl!

She will definitely be getting one of our Loyalty cards which we’ll be handing out next week. This way we can reward our regular customers and also track each customer from the total weight and type of recycling they bring, to what they choose to swop in the shop. After a few months we hope to review trends and this will enable us to track individuals’ behavior patterns while maintaining their anonymity. Sarah Wittman who is currently doing a PhD in Business at INSEAD Business School (Paris) is assisting us with tracking, graphs and trends.

Kids & Recycling

Kids bring recycling

Kids bringing recycling

We’ve found it easy to encourage the Ladies of Du Noon to bring recycling and even made a separate opening time for them, 11am to 1.30pm. The kids, however, have proven not to be as easy! From 2.30pm we open for the kids and bring out only the children’s clothes, school items, blankets with motifs, selected toiletries and food. The challenge is to continue to encourage the children without offering the obvious lure of sweets.

We are starting some recycling games, e.g. collecting and kicking balls of recycling into a net – Eco-friendly soccer. This game idea was given to us by Warren Baynes from ‘No Standing Recycling’.

Lady showing her food

Happy shopper!

On Spring Day at Bloubergrant Pre-Primary School the children were encouraged to bring tins of food in exchange for a small plant. What a lovely idea! Thank you to all the children & parents, as you can see the food went down very well at the Recycle Swop Shop last Tuesday.

The Children of Parklands College support the Recycle Swop Shop

Debbie and her students from Parklands College

Debbie and her students from Parklands College

A huge Thank You to Debbie Rowe and all the Children at Parklands College and Christopher Robin Pre-Primary for their efforts during the month of August. They collected over 12 bags of clothes and many many bags of food. These items will be put in the Recycle Swop Shop and swapped to the hard working recyclers in Du Noon.

1 Bag of recycling = 2 Tokens
2 Tokens = an item of children’s clothing or a pair of shoes

There are many other items available in the Recycle Swop Shop including Stationary, School bags, Toiletries, Food and 2nd hand Clothes & Shoes. If you would like to donate any of these items to the Swop Shop please contact us on 072 0574869 or email.

A child proudly showing off a new lunch box

A child proudly showing off a new lunch box

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