
Yummy Keoksisters

Yummy Koeksisters

Thank you Catherine for your donation of koeksisters. Lots of the children where very excited to buy them with their tokens and left the Recycle Swop Shop with sweet sticky fingers and lips! Of course the adults enjoyed them too!

Catherine has been raising funds, buy selling Keoksisters, for pastor Simon Motaung from The Church of Hope in Khayelitsha. This is a small church in a community called Nkanini, an informal settlement and one of poorest communities in Khayelitsha.


Keoksisters for Recycling

Recycle Swop Shop collects just under 1000 bags!

Stormy Recycle Swop Shop

A cold and windy Recycle Swop Shop

Whow! We collected almost a 1000 bags of recycling today! We had 125 customers in the Recycle Swop Shop and the most tokens spent by one person was 54!!! That’s on average 9 bags of Recycling per person.

Is it making a difference? Yes, Du Noon is looking cleaner, so we have been told by local companies! And WESSA thinks we are. In fact we were privileged to attend WESSA’s 85th Anniversary where Marilyn van der Velden – Recycle Swop Shop in Hermanus won the PROJECT CATEGORY for the innovative community upliftment project that promotes both a cleaner environment and individual environmental responsibility by providing an opportunity for underprivileged children to access much needed basic school supplies. Well done!

All the winners of the 2011 WESSA Award

All the winners of the 2011 WESSA Award, Marilyn fouth from the right.

But, there is still so much to do and of course with 40 000 inhabitants, there’s always going to be a lot of recycling generated daily in Du Noon.

Swop Shop market day goes Hi-Tech!

Stand with large screen TV

Stand at school yard market with large screen TV

This month at the Elkanah Market Brett Anderson from The Solutions Company kindly loaned us a big flat screen TV for our stand. With the screen we were able to show our supporters at the market whats been happening at the Recycle Swop Shop. With these additional visuals, the on-lookers could get a real sense of the impact the Recycle Swop Shop is having on the lives of the community of Du Noon. Thank you Brett for your time and support.

Its always so nice to chat to passers by, get to know new people and gain new support & interest. Thank you to all those who donated and we look forward to seeing you all next month. I do hope you enjoyed the lovely cupcakes made by Tarah Childes and the beautifully handmade biscuits by Zahn, Melting Moments.

Elkanah stand 27/08/11

Recycle Swop Shop 16th Aug

Balancing a bag!

This lady makes it look so easy!

I am amazed by the resourcefulness of people, from the way they carry the bags, to the sheer quantity they manage bring and their patience is commendable.

It was so hot yesterday we asked a volunteer from Zusakhe to hand out juice with the sandwiches and all our customers were very grateful.

We collected over 800 bags and the mountain of recycling was huge! Thank you to all those who support us! Special thanks to Standard Bank, Melkbosstrand and Bayside for their donation of 5 bags of 2nd hand clothes.

Some food for thought…PepsiCo unveils world’s first 100% renewable food-based PET bottle (Is this the end of plastic bottles?).
The bottle is made from switch grass, pine bark, corn husks and other materials. Ultimately, Pepsi plans to also use orange peels, oat hulls, potato scraps and other leftovers from its food business. Source: FOOD Stuff South Africa

A recycling company is picking up our recycling!

Transprot Help - Tygerburger 27.07.11

Transport Help -Tygerburger 27.07.11

In response to our article in the Tygerburger we finally have a solution to our recycling pick up problem!

We have been struggling to find a solution to the huge number of bags we have been collecting, without being charged. A recycling company have saved the Recycle Swop Shop and are collecting our bags of recycling at no charge! We are hoping that at some stage we will be able to earn some money from our recycling in order for us to not be so heavily reliant on donations.

Ladies queuing from 8am!

Ladies waiting

These ladies started queuing as early at 8am!!!

So Kim and I arrive at the Recycle Swop Shop at 10.30 to sort the clothes and have a general tidy up, only to find a huge queue of ladies. These ladies had started queuing from as early as 8am and were waiting for us to open, which is usually at 1pm!!! They obviously got tired of standing and found some chairs to sit on! Shocked and stunned, we decided to open up 11am.

As they say, ‘The early bird catches the worm’ and for these ladies they know that getting to the Recycle Swop Shop early means they get 1st choice. We stayed open until 3pm to give the school children a chance to bring their recycling too.
So why recycle?

  • A cleaner environment
  • Job creation
  • Reduced costs to local authorities
  • Decreased necessity to import raw materials
  • Frees up space at landfill sites (Source: Paper Recycling Association of SA)
  • And for the children and adults of Du Noon, they get to swop their recycling for clothes, shoes, food, blankets, toiletries and school items.
New kids clothes

New clothes from Elkanah Recycling Committee

Thank you Elkanah Recycling Committee for your generous donation of new children’s clothes. Fantastic! Also a big Thank you to Table View Mall, Pick n Pay for their kind donation of 2 boxes of food items.

Elkanah Market 30th July

Melting Moments Biscuits

A mountain of wonderful biscuits

Melting Moments biscuit

Melting Moments Biscuits

The day was warm, French music waved its way lazily through the atmosphere. With the smells of fresh bread and the gentle hum of conversation greeting the senses: The Elkanah Market had begun.

This was our 3rd Elkanah Market manning a stall to advertise The Recycle Swop Shop and take donations for food, toiletry and school packs which we will stock our Shop in Du Noon with. It was fantastic weather for the market, and even through the Springboks suffered a crushing defeat by New Zealand, souls were lifted by the warm sun and the vibey atmosphere. We always have a good time chatting to people about what we are doing in Du Noon, joking with the people with stalls close to us, and covering for each other which gives us a chance to wander the market ourselves.

A big thanks to Tarah and Yoyo who gave up their time to help run the stall and thanks to Zahn from Melting Moments who made the most amazing biscuit to give to those who donated, and a Massive thanks to everyone who dontated!

The people in Du Noon will really appreciate all the items that you bought for them.

For more infomation on the Recycle Swop Shop click here to check it out.

Recycle Swop Shop 26th July

Boy with food token

A boy with his food token

It was busy busy at the Swop Shop again this week. This community learns fast! Last week we were quite ruthless with not accepting badly soiled or bags with organic waste, however yesterday we received lots of bags of clean recycling! Well done Du Noon recyclers!!!

The afternoon ran smoothly thanks to our team of dedicated and efficient volunteers. Kim was taking tokens and handing out sandwiches. The bread is given to us by Pick n Pay, Table View. Shirley helped in the shop, along with Patricia, Pumba and Porcia. Nathan and Eugene tirelessly collected and stored the recycling bags.

If you would like to join us on Tuesday afternoons from 1pm-4pm, please contact maria<at>beyonded.org or jonathan<at>beyonded.org.


Woolworths Marketing – Mandela Day Iniciative

Patricia and Shelley van Leeuwen

Thanks to Woolworths Marketing the Recycle Swop Shop was donated bags of clothes, food and toiletries as part of their contribution to the Mandela Day community service initiative. Shelley van Leeuwen visited the Recycle Swop Shop last week and delivered the collection of goodies.

It was wonderful to have Shelley visit us and we were greatly encouraged by all her words of support. Thank you so much to all at Woolworths Marketing.

Recycle Swop Shop 12th July 2011

Taking bags of recycling and swopping them for tokens.

Wow! How the Swop Shop has grown!

This week we took approximately 800 bags of recycling! The community of Du Noon are really embracing this project and seeing the benefits of recycling.

The children, women and a few men patiently waited for their tokens and a chance to buy some essential items from the swop shop.

This month Elkanah House ran a clothing drive on all 3 of their campuses and we received a huge amount of bags of clothes and shoes from them. Thank you to the organisers and parents.

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