Build a Bot – Presentation Day!

The 3 teams and their robots

Leandro Del Mistro, Joshua du Plooy, Daniela Aldera, Jason Di Leva, Kalvin Sutherland and Jeremiah Chirwa

Robot on the circuit

One of the teams putting their robot through its paces.

The Build a Bot Programme ran from the 11th to the 15th of July during the Winter School holidays. We had a group of 6 students, Joshua du Plooy, Daniela Aldera, Jason Di Leva, Leandro Del Mistro, Kalvin Sutherland and Jeremiah Chirwa, who attended the programme. Their facilitator was Jonathan Schoots, assisted by Chris Lanis, the Robot designer of the team who won best robot design for the South Africa Lego League Competition.

Let me start by saying how wonderfully well they all did! And what great team spirit and comradeship.

There was much excitement buzzing around the room as the 3 teams aimed to finish programing their robots, to complete the circuit, they had planned and worked on that week. They each made last minute adjustments and at 12.30 they were all asked to stop. One by one their parents arrived and the presentation began.

Each team set their Robots off on the course and it was with much ooohhs and aahhhs as the on lookers watched the robots pick up rings, push bricks and maneuver columns. The teams were judged on their projects by Jonathan and Chris and after a few words and checking of scores, a winning team was decided upon. Well done to all the participants! It certainly seems that a good time was had by all.

Jonathan, the kids all agreed you made the week for them! Great stuff!

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