An amazing response from a school that cares!

Elkanah House Recycling

Recycling at Elkanah House

We’re about to launch a Recycle Swop Shop back in Du noon at a new location, Inkwenkwezi Secondary School and have partnered with Elkanah Recycling Committee, Partners for Possibly and our sponsors Cape Town International Airport.

Our first day is on the 10th of September and incredibly we’ve already received over 16 bags of second hand clothes, shoes, toys, household items and books. What a great start! The success of this project relies heavily on the 2nd hand or ‘newly new‘ items that are donated as these items are a valuable commodity in the townships and the children and community view this as an excellent swap for their hard labour.

I have to say that I’ve been blown away by the generosity and commitment from the staff, parents and children from Elkanah House toward our Recycle Swop Shop project in Du noon. I just want to say ‘Well done” to everyone evolved.

Elkanah House also have a recycling collection day where the pupils are encouraged to bring recycling to the schools and they have channeled the funds into a number of projects within the school such as: Worm Bins, Water Coolers, A sensory garden at Sunningdale Prep campus and smart, user-friendly new bin-banks around the schools. They also have a stand at the Schoolyard Market providing information and awareness around Eco-friendly living promoting various ‘green’ products. Recycling at Elkanah House.

They have to date collected : 526 455kg Wow! That’s a lot of recycling and really just goes to show how committed and enthused the pupils and parents are. I’m impressed!

If you would like to drop off your 2nd hand items at Elkanah House, if your child attends the school or not, you are welcome to do so at one of the following points (please place your items in a clear bag or clearly marked “Du noon Recycle Swop Shop’):
Please read our Donations Policy Document.

MONDAYS Blouberg Campus, 15 Sail Street, Bloubergsands 7.30 to 8.30 am
TUESDAYS Sunningdale Campuses, 24 & 26 Valderrama Drive, Sunningdale 7.00 to 8.30 am
WEDNESDAYS High School, 85 Sunningdale Drive, Sunningdale 7.00 to 8:30 am

We are especially looking for high school aged clothing and shoes, but any item you donate will be greatly appreciated Thank you!

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