Educating local children on environmental issues
An essential part of the Recycle Swop Shop is education. We are able to really get involved in educating the local children on
the importance of their environment, and on how they can play an active role in preserving it. They can learn from this unique and simple exchange of seemingly waste products to goods, like clothes, shoes, toys, toiletries and food. This system teaches them the hard work ethic and that there is always hope in even the rubbish that litters their streets.
Most of the children exchange their recycling for toys, but we were touched by a little girl called Khanyisa who for the past few weeks has been bringing between 5 and 10 bags a week and has been quite adamant in spending her points on clothes for herself. Here at swop shop, she can choose what she wants to wear and has been having so much fun doing it.
Louise, Jita and Patricia run the kids Recycle Swop Shop on Thursday and are loving it! They are an amazing team with so much energy and enthusiasm for these children and the welfare of them. Wow! You do an amazing job and the kids love you! Thank you!
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