Kids & Recycling

Kids bring recycling

Kids bringing recycling

We’ve found it easy to encourage the Ladies of Du Noon to bring recycling and even made a separate opening time for them, 11am to 1.30pm. The kids, however, have proven not to be as easy! From 2.30pm we open for the kids and bring out only the children’s clothes, school items, blankets with motifs, selected toiletries and food. The challenge is to continue to encourage the children without offering the obvious lure of sweets.

We are starting some recycling games, e.g. collecting and kicking balls of recycling into a net – Eco-friendly soccer. This game idea was given to us by Warren Baynes from ‘No Standing Recycling’.

Lady showing her food

Happy shopper!

On Spring Day at Bloubergrant Pre-Primary School the children were encouraged to bring tins of food in exchange for a small plant. What a lovely idea! Thank you to all the children & parents, as you can see the food went down very well at the Recycle Swop Shop last Tuesday.

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