Ladies queuing from 8am!

Ladies waiting

These ladies started queuing as early at 8am!!!

So Kim and I arrive at the Recycle Swop Shop at 10.30 to sort the clothes and have a general tidy up, only to find a huge queue of ladies. These ladies had started queuing from as early as 8am and were waiting for us to open, which is usually at 1pm!!! They obviously got tired of standing and found some chairs to sit on! Shocked and stunned, we decided to open up 11am.

As they say, ‘The early bird catches the worm’ and for these ladies they know that getting to the Recycle Swop Shop early means they get 1st choice. We stayed open until 3pm to give the school children a chance to bring their recycling too.
So why recycle?

  • A cleaner environment
  • Job creation
  • Reduced costs to local authorities
  • Decreased necessity to import raw materials
  • Frees up space at landfill sites (Source: Paper Recycling Association of SA)
  • And for the children and adults of Du Noon, they get to swop their recycling for clothes, shoes, food, blankets, toiletries and school items.
New kids clothes

New clothes from Elkanah Recycling Committee

Thank you Elkanah Recycling Committee for your generous donation of new children’s clothes. Fantastic! Also a big Thank you to Table View Mall, Pick n Pay for their kind donation of 2 boxes of food items.

One Comment

  1. how much house can i afford
    September 18, 2011

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