Recycle Swop Shop 16th Aug

Balancing a bag!

This lady makes it look so easy!

I am amazed by the resourcefulness of people, from the way they carry the bags, to the sheer quantity they manage bring and their patience is commendable.

It was so hot yesterday we asked a volunteer from Zusakhe to hand out juice with the sandwiches and all our customers were very grateful.

We collected over 800 bags and the mountain of recycling was huge! Thank you to all those who support us! Special thanks to Standard Bank, Melkbosstrand and Bayside for their donation of 5 bags of 2nd hand clothes.

Some food for thought…PepsiCo unveils world’s first 100% renewable food-based PET bottle (Is this the end of plastic bottles?).
The bottle is made from switch grass, pine bark, corn husks and other materials. Ultimately, Pepsi plans to also use orange peels, oat hulls, potato scraps and other leftovers from its food business. Source: FOOD Stuff South Africa

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