Recycling In-Kind and more on Jessica
This week Jessica went to her neighbour and asked her to help her. Jessica asked her neighbour to give her the bags of recycling her neighbour had collected. The neighbour saw that Jessica’s need were greater then hers and agreed!
Whow what an amazing community spirit the people of Du Noon have and what a kind neighbour! Jessica in turn bought 3 pair of trousers for her cousin!
Jessica says that Du Noon is getting cleaned up of recycling and its becoming harder to find large quantities of recycling. Some go to Kilarney Gardens and even as far as Table View to collect their recycling. Considering that 19% bring more then 20 bags of recycling, that shows great perseverance and commitment. I for one, take my hat off to them!!!
Here’s our stats from the Recycle Swop Shop Du Noon…
Cardboard & Paper = 1335 kg
Plastic = 808 kg
Glass = 690 kg
Tin = 83 kg
Grand Total = 2916 kg!
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January 8, 2012
As Charlie Sheen says, this atrilce is “WINNING!”