Siyazakha Primary School launch Assembley

The Cape Town Drama Student getting learners to participate in the waste awareness performance!

On the 26th February 2015 we launched our 4th Recycle Swop Shop at Siyazakha Primary School, Phillipi. Thanks to Ms Shosa, the amazing Principle; Pumla and Nomfusie, Recycling Champion Teachers; Taryn, Jyunki and Monique from English First Cape Town; Colette, Kutlwano and Wadoed from Cape Town International Airport and Africa Floorcare our main sponsors for making this project possible.

These learners are so excited about recycling, can't wait to see how next week goes!!

There was much excitement as the 1050 learners filled the play ground and queued in their classes. The school was them entertained by 2 Cape Town drama students who explained how the Recycle Swop Shop was going to work at their school and handed out City of Cape Town rulers and lanyards. They finished with a short performance about waste awareness and the importance of recycling. It was very entertaining and everyone had a lot of fun!

Special thank you to Tanya, EF CT, for the fund raising and initiatives to help this project over the past 18 months. Also a big thanks to Tuffy for the recycling bags and to Nampak for the white paper bins which will be placed in each class room.

Lunch at the Spur with Inkwenkwezi Secondary School teachers & staff

Spur with Inkwenkwezi Secondary School Du Noon

At Spur with Inkwenkwezi Secondary School Du Noon

As part of our commitment to the schools we have partnered with, we asked the Principles how they’d like us to bless their teachers and staff that have worked so hard all year. Inkwenkwezi Secondary School, Du Noon wished to go to the Spur for a big Christmas lunch. So on the 28th November 2014 we treated 48 teachers & staff to Golden Spur Big Bay for a Christmas lunch where they had a wonderful social and connection time together. Wow, this also marks the Recycle Swop Shop in Du Noon in its 4th year of operation!! Thank you to Take Heart for sponsoring the lunch.

This project is made possible by our sponsors, partners and stakeholders and so a huge “Thank You!” to Cape Town International Airport, Africa Flooorcare and Elkanah Recycling Committee for their commitment, sponsorship and support . Of course, to our wonderful participants and volunteers from Du Noon.πŸ™‚ Thank you to the surrounding community, local businesses, Life Changers Church, Parklands College, SALT & Community Chest for their donations and support. We think the below email from the Principle, Mr Kutu, sums it all up.

“Dear Recycle Swop Shop
This year 2014, has been a school year with its highlights and we can confirm that you have made it possible for each stride we have taken to make it become a success.
We really appreciate the contribution you have made to our school and the community through the recycling project. Pass our word of gratitude to the team that works with you at the school and the dedication they have shown in keeping the school and community vibrant. Furthermore, we have ended the year with a high note, the staff could not stop talking about the marvelous lunch you have provided for us in Spur restaurant.
We also appreciate your commitment to further assist us next year in the venture of motivating our learners to pull up their socks and academically do better by awarding those who make improvement though they may not be top learners and also those who become the top learners. We shall provide you with more details at the beginning of 2015 in order for you to plan.
Inkwenkwezi Secondary School staff, learners and parents are overwhelmed by your partnership with us in breaking the cycle of poverty in the community. May God richly bless you.
We wish you, your team and your family merry Christmas and a prosperous 2015. “Enkosi kakhulu”.
Kindest regards
TR Kutu”

Yomelela teachers & staff day trip and thank you lunch!


Teachers from Yomelela Primary School enjoying a day out at Intaka

On the 12th December Take Heart, WNS and Recycle Swop Shop treated the teachers and staff from Yomelela Primary School Khayelitsha to a day out at Intaka Island. It was wonderful to see all the teachers arrive with such excitement and enthusiasm for the day and all dressed in white. πŸ™‚

35 minute boat trip along the Grand Canal

35 minute boat trip along the Grand Canal

They firstly went in groups of 15 on tranquil ferry ride on the Grand Canal and around Intaka Island, enjoying the fresh air, wild life and the surrounding beauty of Century City. They were told about this majestic 16ha wetland and bird sanctuary and introduced to all the different ways to recycle. Once they had worked up an appetite they all returned to the Eco Center, where a delicious lunch and refreshments awaited them. They finished off with a hot cup of coffee and cup cakes, thanks to Marie and Marianne from Life Changers Church.

Teachers & goody bags

Teachers & their goody bags

Lastly they all went into the function room where Maria van der Westhuizen, Project Manager of the Recycle Swop Shops, gave a 10 minute presentation about the Recycle Swop Shop at their school. This was followed by Hema, from WNS who thanked the school and the Principle for their wonderful attitude and support of this project. They were then each presented with a bumper pack goody bag.

Volunteers certificates of achivements Dec 2015

Volunteers certificatates Du noon

Volunteers received their certificatates in Du Noon

Over the year we have had the amazing support of some special community members from all the areas where we run Recycle Swop Shops. They have faithfully volunteered each week for 25 tokens, doing a variety of roles. Our community volunteers continue to learn new skills and their assistance in the project is invaluable. It is for this reason that we have brought in a system where we acknowledge the work they have done by giving certificates of achievement. These certificates can be for length of service, skills gained, knowledge and management of the different waste streams and the ability to work in a team.

Wesbank volunteers certificates

Wesbank volunteers with their certificates of achievements

We had some really special celebration times in December last year when we presented the certificates at each of the volunteers at our 3 Recycle Swop Shops. We are trusting this has installed pride, confidence and will promote skills development. Thank you to our volunteers from Wesbank; Evelynne, Nathely, Elizabeth, Stephen, James, Vanessa, Sophia, Ronnie and Annie. Thank you to our volunteers from Du Noon; Margaret, Gcobisa, Nomsa, Carliswa, Sylvia, Mgqibelo, Lerato, Ordance, Constance, Thandi, Joyce and Lindiwe. Thank you to our volunteers from Khayelitsha; Nomaphelo, Cecilia, Nophlydile, Albertina, Boy-Boy, Nomasomi, Namazizi, Nokwanda, Franscheska and Nosayimile.

Columbus Chemicals - volunteers Khayelitsha

Thank you Columbus Chemicals for the chemiclas for our amazing volunteers in Khayelitsha

Thank you to Elkanah Recycling Commitee for sponsoring lunch, refreshments and goody bags for the volunteers from Du Noon. To Columbus Chemicals for sponsoring chemicals to the volunteers in Khayelitsha and Take Heart for the lunch, refreshments and goody bags to our volunteers in Wesbank. Well done to you all! You make us so proud and its such a pleasure to have worked with you through 2014.

First Recycle Swop Shop at Yomelela a huge success!

On the 30th July we ran our first collection at Yomelela Primary School and what a turn out we had! 860 learners brought bags of recycling! We collected 732kg of plastic, that’s 32 huge bulk bag!! It is by far the best response we have had from any of our 1st collection at Recycle Swop Shop!

We are amazed by this school, the learners, teachers and Principle! The teachers helped to keep order and the children listened well, we noticed how respectful and tentative they were towards their teachers too. Thank you to Theresa and her team of 9 community volunteers, they did a great job sorting all the recycling. Thank you to the joyful Brazilian Interns from Ikhaya le Themba, who helped too.

Swop Shop

We ran our 1st Swop Shop on the 7th August and it was a huge success. The children were happy with the items they exchanged for their hard earned tokens. Thank you to all those that helped, the teachers rocked, Louise was amazing at the door and Corrinne kept her cool on the, extremely busy, 1 token table. Bobby Teichert and her team of joyful Brazilian Interns were back to help at the tables, with a few new dance moves!! ikhaya le themba made sure we had plenty of 2nd hand clothes, shoes, toys and home house goods, thank you! Big thank you to our sponsors WNS and to Africa Floorcare.

Launch Assembley at Yomelela Primary School Khayelitcha

The children of Yomelela Primary school

The 23rd July 2014 was the launch of our 3rd Recycle Swop Shop at Yomelela Primary School Khayelitcha. Thanks to Zoliswa, the amazing Principle; Bongi, Recycling Champion Teacher; Hema from WNS our main sponsor and Theresa, Ikhaya ie themba we have partnered together to make this project possible. What an amazing team!

Nampak white paper bins

We were all there, bright an early, for a 8am start of the launch assembly at Yomelela. Thanks to Nampak for the white paper bins which will be placed in each class room.

Also a big thank you to Waste Plan for the recycling bags and to the WNS employees for their 67 minutes community time given to us to fold 1000 bags.

All the learners received a neatly folded Waste Plan recycling bag and leaflet explaining what to bring

There was much excitement as the 950 learners filled the outside quad area and queued in their class lines. The teachers and learners explained how the swop shop works and the City of Cape Town with Cape Town drama students did a short performance about waste awareness and the importance of recycling. It was very entertaining and everyone had fun!

Thank you to all those that attended and especially to our sponsors WNS and Africa Floorcare. Looking forward to our first collection on the 30th July 2014! πŸ™‚

110% Green – Western Cape Government flagship

We received our flag from Premier Helen Zille on 16th July at the Spier Mandela Day: 67 minute event.

We are proud to have been awarded a flag from 110% Green, an initiative of the Western Cape Government calling organisations to commit to the Green Economy.

The Western Cape Government launched the 110% Green initiative on World Environment Day 2012 as a call to action to all organisations to link Green with the Economy. A Flagship is an organisation (be it a municipality, NGO or business) that has made more than the usual commitment towards the Green Economy. They have taken up the call towards building an economy that connects the well-being of our environment with the growth of our economy.

Thank you Conatiner World for your generous donation

Recycle Swop Shop at Inkwenkwezi High School, Du Noon.

Wow! What an amazing gift! Thank you to Container World for donating a 12m fully kitted out container to the Recycle Swop Shop at Inkwenkwezi High School, Du noon. It was delivered on the 30th June 2014 and skillfully put into place by Buntu the driver. Huge thanks to Anthony from Container World, who made sure it came with shelving, hanging space and light fittings. We are blown away by Container World’s kind act of generosity.

Lovely shelves for our stock

This wonderful container will allow us to have our own space to run our swop shop. We used to run the swop shop in the school hall which had its setup challenges and we then moved into a temporary 6m container that is used by the school for storage. The school’s 6m container was very dark, cold and cramped. Having a large area to host the shop will enable us to expend our reach to include the learners and increase the numbers of community participants. We will be able to keep our stock in the container which will make our general running experience much easier. We also intend to utilise the space for further school and community upliftment programs.

The support of companies like Container World make it possible for our project to exist and makes the community a great place to live in.

Thank you once again to all the companies, local community and schools that assist, sponsor and choose to partner with Recycle Swop Shop. πŸ™‚

Volunteers day out to Table Mountain 2014

Group photo

Group photo on Table Mountain

It was a beautiful March day in Cape Town as the volunteers from the Du Noon Recycle Swop Shop and Wesbank met at the foot of Table Mountain for our trip up Table Mountain. Every year we have had the privilege of working, training and getting to know our group of volunteers and this is our way to say, β€œThank you”, for all their hard work. This group of dedicated people, give their time and energy to the Recycle Swop Shop each week and we honestly could not run it without their help.

A big thank you to Table Mountain Cable Car Company for sponsoring our 20 tickets. Also a huge thank you to T.M.F. and Crime Watch for sponsoring our delicious lunch and refreshments. Thank you to Save All who made sure our Wesbank volunteer arrived safely.

Its always so interesting to see the different reactions from many of out volunteers that have never been up the Mountain, especially when the revolving cable car starts to ascend!! We send out words of reassurance and soon they relax and enjoy the panoramic view of our beautiful city. Once at the top there was much excitement, which naturally caused a great need for some food. We eagerly ate our lunch of roast chicken, salad, rolls and apples, washed down with juice and finally a delicious chocolate brownie baked and donated to us by Shelly Anderson. Yum!

Maria thanked everyone for their participation, hard work and their team spirit. She reminding them that at Recycle Swop Shop they are gaining environmental education and skills training that will help them realise recycling as a possible entrepreneurial opportunity. Louise and Maria also told everyone how much they meant to us and what a privilege it has been getting to know them all. They handed out goodie bags filled with toiletries and extra yummy snacks, thank you to The City of Cape Town for the bright orange bags.

Later we spent an hour wondering around and enjoying the beauty and rich biodiversity that can be seen all over Table Mountain. We all agreed that working towards keeping Cape Town a cleaner city was very fulfilling and spending the day on the Mountain made us appreciate that even more. What a fabulous day!

Inkwenkwezi visits Elkanah to share & learn about recycling

Recycling at ElkanahA group of 10 Representative Committee Learner members from Inkwenkwezi Secondary School Dunoon; the caretaker, Frank; two teacher’s, Seti and Mrs Mphunga and the Principle Mr Kutu, visited Elkanah High on Wednesday 19th March 2014. On this exciting day we hoped that two very diverse schools would learn and share their own experiences about their respective recycling projects.

Inkwenkwezi visit Elkanah's recycling morningThe morning started with the hustle & bustle of learners arriving at Elkanah carrying bags of recycling. The bags were then counted by volunteers and reward stickers were handed out. Elkanah High is a great example, that with innovative and appropriate initiatives, high school students can be encouraged to bring recycling and participate in a worthy environmental project.

By about 8.15am the action started to fizzle out and the last of the community members dropped their recycling.

Debbie speaking in the cafeOur group was then led into the school cafeteria where over a croissant and coffee we listened to a few speakers. The Recycle Committee shared their projects successes and Debi Schuiling encouraged the RLC to go back to Inkwenkwezi, be the difference and be a voice for the recycling project in the school. We were so encourage by all the excellent work that is being done by the Recycling Committee at Elkanah. Maria, from the Recycle Swop Shop, explained the processes around the recycling project at Inkwenkwezi and what is offered in the swop shop.
Mr Kutu Princple at Inkwenkwezi Dunoon

Lastly both the Head of RLC and the Principle, Mr Kutu, thanked everyone for a wonderful morning and spoke about the Recycle Swop Shop project and how they were committed to see the project continue to be a success.

Thank you all for a great morning and a special thank you to Elkanah for the goodie bags and for hosting this wonderful event.
Group with their goody bags

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